Sweden–America Foundation

The Sweden-America Foundation (Sverige-Amerikastiftelsen) is a Swedish foundation which provides fellowships to younger Swedes for scientific and cultural work in the United States and Canada.



The Foundation was established in June 1919 by initiative of a number of scientists, businessmen, politicians and other prominent Swedes at the time. The Foundation is under the patronage of the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf.


The following were members:[1]


  1. ^ The Sweden­America Foundation: The Foundation's history, accessed on December 21, 2009
  2. ^ "Edstrom Sails After 3-Week Visit to Industrialiasts Here". New York Times. October 14, 1938. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FB0D1FFC3955157A93C6A8178BD95F4C8385F9. Retrieved 2010-03-21. "J. Sigfrid Edstrom, one of Sweden's leading industrialists, sailed a last night for France on the North German Lloyd liner Bremen after a three-week tour of this country. Mr. Edstrom, who is chairman of the Swedish-American Foundation, studied means of fostering continued amity between the Scandinavian countries and the United States." 

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